
Showing posts from April, 2018

Art Movement Style: Dada

Art Movement Style: Dada Dada rather than being an art style was more of a literary and artistic movement that first began as a form of protest movement that carried out anti-war, anti-art values as well as an anti-establishment manifesto. It was raised as a reaction towards World War 1. Dada was fuelled by other avant-garde movements namely Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and Expressionism (Dan.2018). It soon spread its diversity into art such as Photography, Sculpturing, Painting and creation of Collage to mention a few. Dadaism characteristics and aesthetics included factors such as motive to always be purposely negative and to always question the existence of everything in general. Due to Dadaism’s unorthodox ways of doing things, it managed to capture attention in many cities where many artists resided, these cities included Berlin, Hanover, Paris, New York and Cologne and further influenced mo

The Blaue Rieter Art Movement

Der Blaue Rieter Cover of der Blaue Reiter Almanach (1911) By Wassily Kandinsky The term Der Blaue Rieter is widely believed to derive from the symbolic canvas created by Kandinsky in 1903. His artwork cover (Der Blaue Rieter Almanach) was created mostly to represent the art movements aesthetic as well as ideals. The artwork consists of very clear and outstanding features; these features include mainly the semi-abstract “Blue Rider” figure representing access to mobility. The flat but bold woodcut format shows the focus on the primitivism element, the colour blue used on the art work symbolises spirituality and black outlines are used to give shape to the abstract shapes and objects ( The Blaue Rieter was an art movement that was built on the expressionism fundamentals that said Expressionism was an avant-garde mo