
Showing posts from May, 2018

De Stijl Art Movement

De Stijl Art Movement De Stijl is a Dutch Art movement that originally started as a public magazine that was founded by two pioneers of Abstract art Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg. De Stijl (meaning style in Dutch) was officially established in 1917 in Amsterdam ( The De Stijl movement of the Netherlands was partly influenced by the Dada movement, and the leading painter of the group came up with the official term for this new style of art which would describe the type of abstract art the De Stijl group practised: Neoplasticism. Neo meaning “new” and Plasticism referring to the “form” that art takes (Dan.2018). De Stijl art movements humble beginnings like many other Avant-Garde movements of the time, emerged in response to the horrific events of World War One in attempts to revive its society again from the aftermath. Viewing art as means of social and spiritual redemption, they embraced a Utopian vision of art and its transformative potential (thearts