Glasgow School and Vienenese Secession

Glasgow School and Viennese Secession

Architecture, interior designing and painting were the three forms of art that were
 the focus grow and nourished in the Glasgow world and since its beginning in the 1890’s(, the pioneers of Glasgow school were the “Glasgow Four” known as Charles Mackintosh, Herbert Macnair, Margret Macdonald and Frances Macdonald.

These four men integrated a system of decorative forms and an overall look that was uniquely and exclusively their own, as they achieved a pared down version of Art Nouveau that paved the way for Modernist Minimalism. Their style featured a Scottish spirit  that was infused by means of heathery (resembling) colors and mystical Celtic symbols. The pioneers of Glasgow absorbed many influences in an entirely personalized way own in order to create their Art Nouveau language ( 


In the beginning development the two main buildings that came up were the “Glasgow Herald Building” and “Martyr’s Building”, “Herald” was built with a with a different type of surface of sandstone all over the structures one side giving the influence of Scottish architecture (

Words from one of the leading pioneers Charles Rennie Mackintosh "Art is the Flower. Life is the Green Leaf. Let every artist strive to make his flower a beautiful living thing, something that will convince the world that there may be, there are, things more precious more beautiful more lasting than life itself".


It was the movement introduce and spread by the “Glasgow Four” that is only four artist are involved in making a movement remarkable; it was not the rebellion movement. The Architecture produced in Glasgow was very plain with less ornamentation. Some Japanese and Scottish influences were taken to carry out an amalgam form of style. Painting were generating in this period a lot with special style of watercolors. Many artist in “Vienna” introduced it; mainly it was introduced in rebellion of vienna’s official art. The Architecture produced in Viennese was very ornamented although they were designing for poor as well as rich. The influence were carried from jedengstil movement. ( German art nouveau) Mosaic murals and relief were more generated in this period. GLASGOW SCHOOL VIENNA SCHOOL 


Painting’s subject were taking from some superficial aspects like fairy tales.  The use of organics element and graphical forms in painting were extensive. Especially botanical forms of different kind were originating. The art journal that was very famous in this period was “THE STUDIO“ edited by Gleeson White.  The “GLASGOW FOUR” transferred their artwork by arranging little art classes in other art school of Glasgow There subject were taken from general and common topics/issues. The use of graphical form and organic elements were there but they lack in botanical forms. The only art journal that was very popular was “VERSACRUM” which was originated by the Viennese secessionists themselves. They were transferring their artwork through an artwork shop “THE WEINER werkstatte” created by the artists. GLASGOW SCHOOL VIENNA SCHOOL (

Artwork Examples


Gustav KLIMT

Austria 1862–1918

Fritza Riedler 1906
oil on canvas
152.0 x 134.0 cm
Belvedere, Vienna


Austria 1890–1918
Self-portrait with hands on chest 1910
charcoal, watercolour and gouache
44.8 x 31.2 cm
Kunsthaus Zug, Stiftung Sammlung Kamm


Austria-Hungary/Czechoslovakia/England 1886-1980
Conte Verona (1910)
oil on canvas
70.6 x 58.7 cm
Private collection, New York
Approved: Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia

Old versus Modern analysis

Embroidered panel Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh 1902s GSA

Like the elements the four pioneers introduced: 'The Spook School' because of the ghostly ghoulish images portraying 'hobgoblins by misty moonlight'. The technique was used in this painting whereby a human like/ ghostly figure is created with minimalistic efforts thus leaving space and integrating it with colour, geometry is also used to crate more detail such as creating the figures brown/yellow hair.

Alice Morby
19 January 2016

This is a brand that designs and creates furnisher as products to be sold to customers, it is called Glasgow watch brand Instrmnt. It creates simple, plain and natural formed furnisher that when placed and used it creates a minimalist effect in that space is left and that also creates a well balanced design. 

Reference list

•Rezelman, Cogger. The Glasgow Boys.

•Burkhauser, Jude (1993). "The Glasgow Style". Glasgow Girls: Women in Art and Design 1880-1920. Ediburgh: Canongate Press. pp. 55–104. ISBN 0963698508.

•Glasgow Girls On Display, Mary Selwood, accessed July 2010


•Burkhauser, Jude (1993). "Restored to a Place of Honour". Glasgow Girls: Women in Art and Design 1880-1920. Edinburgh: Canongate Press, Plc. pp. 19–26. ISBN 0963698508.
Andrew Gibbbon Williams, 'Engendering respect', The Times (features), 18 Sep 1990




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