Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau

In this blog I will be diving into the Art Nouveau movement and explaining its great influence to the world in detail from the erit was established, I will also  be providing a couple of art work examples that were created using this style (movement) and the motive behind them.

What is Art Nouveau?

The Art Nouveau is a genre characterized by a focus interest in nature, both in terms of style and in subject matter. From its early existence 1890 all the way through to 1910, the movement swept through Europe, resonating particularly strongly motive in abandoning academic art of the 19th century (

Art Nouveau emphasis was aimed at modernising design in so doing escaping the eclectic (diverse) historical styles that had been previously popular. Art Nouveau also known as the Glasgow style in the German-speaking world or alternatively the Jugendstil drew most of its focus on creating art that consisted of linear contours, dominated colour, and used mainly hues of muted greens, browns, yellows and blues, natural forms resembling stems and blossoms of plants, organic and geometric forms. Art Nouveau aimed at changing the dominance of poorly-crafted objects imitating earlier periods, the practitioners of this movement wanted to revive good workmanship characteristics, raise the status bar of craft and produce genuinely modern designs and thus the meaning “New Art” literally.(,2018)

As much as Art Nouveau had a great influence to the world and has long since had a rapid decline whereby many artists eventually thought the style was old fashioned and by 1910 had soon been neglected the movement style can still be seen in the contemporary world as it continues being used in certain applications and architecture, from paintings to digital illustrations and from houses to various prints on sculptures and artefacts (Adriana, no: 2018).

Important names that played a big role in the Art Nouveau movement

  • William Morris. B. 1834; D. 1896. Based in England.
  • Aubrey Beardsley. B. 1872; D. 1898. Based in England.
  • Gustav Klimt. B. 1862; D. 1918. 
  • Louis Comfort Tiffany. B. 1848; D. 1933.
  • Antoni Gaudí B. 1852; D. 1926. 
  • Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. B. 1864; D. 1901. 
  • Alphonse Mucha. B. 1860; D. 1939. 
  • Henry van de Velde. B. 1863; D. 1957.

Artwork examples

his Lithograph poster (an image produced by etching an image onto a flat surface) was created by an artist named Alphonse Mucha to the celebrate the Czech Art Nouveau, one of the powerful artist amongst many who had played a major part in the influence of Art Nouveau. The poster is 216 - 74.5 and was created 1894 for the Victorien Sardou’s play ‘Gismonda’  featuring Sarah Bernhardt. She is depicted on the poster wearing a costume from the last, fourth act of the play. She is designed with wearing a dress filled with flowral natural patterns, cour scheme is not too bright nor to dark but just the right combination to give off clearnatural lighting.holdingsome on her hand and wearing some on her hair to emphasis naturalism. She i also painted with the most thinnest outlines almost not seen clearly to the nacked eye to giveof that effectof realism. Mucha’s Gismonda can be seen as a part of the exhibition Alphonse Mucha: An Insight into the Artist in Tokyo, Japan, from
early March 2013.

Officially named Basilica  Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia this is the fine work of the renowned Catalan architect known as Antoni Gaudi. This architect devoted over four decades of his life to the church creating this lovely architect structure that had glass designs, organic lines to it and design. When he died in 1926, the spectacular building remained and still uncompleted. In fact, it is scheduled to be completed only in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death, and for me this why chose this example to represent a modern art Nouveua creation But despite the fact that it is not finished, the Sagrada Familia is an still has all the elements that post art Nouveua has, and since it is going to continue being built in the current and future, it will ultimately have elements of the contemporary art Nouveua.


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